Moran Law is Committed to the Fight Against Elder Abuse, Neglect, and Malpractice. 


Law Firm Overview

The United States population is aging and there has never been a greater need for elder abuse attorneys to defend the health, safety, and rights of seniors and their families from the rampant elder abuse and neglect at the hands of nursing homes, assisted living facilities, home health care agencies, and caretakers. Moran Law is here to help.

Elderly citizens are not only vulnerable to negligence by those providing care, but are defenseless to a variety of common abuses, including physical, mental, and financial abuse and neglect. These abuses can be obvious and abrupt, or subtle and prolonged. Elderly citizens in a nursing home, assisted living facility, or being cared for by a home health agency or caretaker are particularly vulnerable, as they may be separated from family and friends and their condition could prevent them from effectively advocating for themselves.

Law Firm Advocate

Premier California Elder Abuse and Neglect Attorneys

Moran Law is committed to the fight against elder abuse, neglect, nursing home, assisted living, and home health care malpractice, financial abuse, personal injury, wrongful death, and more. Every day, our team of aggressive elder abuse attorneys, medical consultants, and paralegals are on the front-line holding wrongdoers accountable and improving the quality of life for the elder community. We specialize in cases involving:  

Our most effective partners are our clients and their families. Their courage, vigilance, and determination to hold wrongdoers accountable is what fuels our passion to fight for change and fight for the health and safety of all elderly citizens. We fight for the respect and compensation our clients and their loved ones deserve!

If you see something wrong or suspect negligence, abuse, or neglect, or need assistance yourself, please contact us  immediately to find out how you can receive help in matters concerning: elder abuse and neglect, personal injury, wrongful death, nursing home, assisted living, or home health malpractice, financial abuse, and more.