Nursing Home Abuse
Moran Law specializes in nursing home abuse and neglect cases throughout California.
Clinical Signs of Nursing Home Abuse or Neglect in Skilled Nursing Home or Assisted Living Facilities
- Falls
- Fractures
- Choking
- Dehydration
- Rapid weight loss
- Pressure ulcers
- Unexplained bruising, skin tears
- Use of chemical restraint
- Poor hygiene
- Scabies
- Urinary tract infections
- Wound infections

Skilled nursing facilities are licensed by the California Department of Public Health (DPH) and must comply with state and federal regulations specific to skilled nursing facilities for good patient care.
Failure to meet these state and federal regulations results in injury, harm, or death of thousands of elderly nursing home residents every year.
Nursing Home Abuse Lawyers
If you suspect skilled nursing home abuse, call Moran Law immediately to get the informed assistance you need to ensure the health and well being of your loved one.
Moran Law is a 2014 Litigator Awards winner in Nursing Home Abuse, and a longstanding member of California Advocates for Nursing Home Reform (CANHR).
Contact us immediately to get the informed assistance you need to ensure the health and well being of your loved one.